- 20 January 2025 - Abstract submission opening
- 24 March 2025 - Abstract submission deadline
- 27 May 2025 - Notification of abstract acceptance
- 27 June 2025 - Early bird registration deadline
Please read the instructions below before submitting your abstract.
All presentations (including Posters) can only be delivered in-person.
There is no possibility for zoom / virtual presentations.
The presenting author must register for the ESPN meeting. Authors who are unable to attend ESPN may ask a colleague to present on their behalf or withdraw their abstract. If you are unable to attend, please notify the Organizing Secretariat OIC and withdraw your abstract at AbstractESPN@oic.it at the earliest.
Select your preferred TYPE of PRESENTATION from the list below.
Please note that all submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Committee and their selection will be final.
- Oral presentation – The top scored abstracts will be selected for full oral presentation, including for the Best Abstract award.
Since there will be 4 parallel sessions, presenters of OC will be asked to also print a poster to allow colleagues that attended other sessions to discuss the data during protected poster sessions. - Poster – Posters will be in the form of physical posters; selected posters will be presented during moderated Guided Poster Viewing sessions.
- Abstract submission is only possible on-line. Abstracts submitted by other means or submissions that do not comply with the instructions will not be accepted.
- The abstract must be written in English.
- Structure your abstract as follows: Aims / Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Please download and use the template available on the submission page.
- Abstract length: 2500 characters (including tables and references).
- Do not use abbreviations in the title. Minimise the use of abbreviations in the text.
- Select one TOPIC from the list below that is most relevant to your presentation:
- Urinary tract infections and bladder dysfunction
- Genetic kidney diseases / CAKUT
- Immune-mediated kidney diseases
- Tubular diseases
- Acute kidney injury
- Chronic kidney disease, CKD-MBD
- Hypertension and cardiovascular disease
- Dialysis
- Transplantation
- Your abstract will be online for review and editing until the final submission deadline.
- Presenting authors who are under 40 years of age at the time of the abstract submission are eligible for the Best Abstract Award!
- All selected abstracts will be published in Pediatric Nephrology and on the ESPN website.